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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:15 AM

Where are we?

When you arrive at an age where you start to realise that peers function more than just friendly chatterboxes, the feeling that society works like a sinister intrigue with you at its centre is never far away. It has oft been quoted that in the grand scheme of things, you, as an individual, account for nothing more than a thread in the social fabric. Of course, how would anyone think otherwise? Yet, the touch of irony lies in the fact that most of us do. Indeed, the question that confounds me the most is, will the relationship between elitism and progress, in whatever terms, continue to remain as an enigma? Or will someone someday stand up and say, "I have had enough of this, let us continue in shallow waters to believe that an egalitarian outlook is still possible when we demand progress." Maybe that someone might have already stood up in the not so distant past, but clearly, he wasn't loud nor convincing.

Let's face it, the world is permitted to march inexorably to elitism. Other variants are just much ado about nothing. Or perhaps they, as you know them, call elitism their mother. This ideological contest would be unfathomable a few years back, but count it as a breakthrough in life, the death knell for naivety. Elsewhere in this place, or perhaps closer to home, in your class, your cynicism has turned your mind into a conducive environment for egalitarian ideology to head for hell. Who still believes that people can be intrinsically altruistic? Thankfully, there is an idea that karma exists. If not for it, I wonder how communities can evolve and bloom like they do now. Of course, the onus is on one to steer his moral compass in the absence of a guiding field, but when we're talking about ideology, does responsibility in thought still come into the picture? It is hard to imagine a world where we have rainbows and acceptance and an occasional papier mache to vent a little frustration. But it is harder to imagine where we are now. Especially when you're still talking about equality.

penned with poisoned ink...

Friday, September 26, 2008 6:19 PM

Got a rude shock! Woke up after 14 hours of sleep. I must have been very tired. Well, actually I woke up at 2a.m., again at 6a.m. and then went back to sleep both times. So what got me to wake up in the end? I'm not sure myself.

Anyway, I finally bathed Keeping 2 days ago! He's smelling fresh and clean for once. He wouldn't have needed the bath if not for the fact that Bryan, the guy who phailed econs, attempts every day or so to kiss him at least twice on the face, twice on the butt, and touches his nose with HIS own big proboscis even after receiving death threats from me. When it rains, it pours. Every other person I know grabs Keeping with soiled hands, drops him on the floor like they eat food from it, and HORRORS, jabs him with their stationeries. -_____- So, Keeping deserves a good wash. And a good wash with nothing but the best : Victoria's Secrets' Sweet Daydreams sugarlaced exfoliating scrub.

Whee! He loves it in the water. Trust me. But when he nearly drowned (bubbles were coming out from his body!!) I quickly placed him on the top of the sink.

I towelled him and left him to dry before I slept. When I woke up, I realized I had to do the GP essay and 3 literature essays! So in the end, I stayed up to do GP with Hui Long till 2a.m., before he slept and I continued with literature till 3a.m. Gave Bryan a wake-up call, and then went to sleep for half an hour, before resuming the craze with caffeine and a hot shower. Had Jay accompanying me with his rainbow song before I bathed and dressed for school. What a retarded night and day.

In the end, I lost my wallet on the bus yesterday morning on my way to school, and I'm still sad. Honestly. I lost my IC ( my second one ), my atm card, my TX Visa card, my Visa capitaland card, my coffee bean card with cash value and 400+ points, primed and almost ready to be exchanged for a coffee bean mug, my NUH appointment card, my blood donation appointment card, my EZ-link card, my Provisional Driving Licence, my cash card, my photocopying card, my SRC membership card which I'm supposed to use today to go for dinner at SRC before the F1 race, my charms, $18, my Borders' membership card, and some important notes. And of course, my wallet which is less than a year old. Grrr. In the end, I had to borrow money from Grace to buy a standard ticket to go to school, and borrow money from Bryan to eat, and to go home. Pathetic me for one pathetic day.

Again, when it rains, it pours. I got back physics paper 2 today and WTH, I honestly thought I was going to do well for paper 2 since I did, unlike many people, attempted to complete data analysis and forsake some questions prior to it. Wise move. I got 26 for the whole paper, dragging my overall grade down to a C. Which means my rank point suck, because in addition to a bad chemistry grade, I failed my math. =/

Watched Hui Long combine gymnastics and badminton for a long time after school. Even his opponent, QIURONG, went to have a rest, which eventually turned into a nap, due to exhaustion. Wenson called halfway through the match and I think he is a man who can't be moved. I told him I lost my wallet and it costs about $200 to replace the IC and another $20+ to replace the ez-link card and he said, "So? I lost an my phone." To which I replied, "Yar, but I'd rather lose my phone instead of my wallet!"

"But your phone is not an iphone." was his reply. Zzz. Karma. No wonder he's in the best remedial class ever. "Just for U" for people in his school who failed math. MUAHAHAHAH.

Keeping's so cute. Hui Long's so talented. Bryan's so modelish.

penned with poisoned ink...

Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:36 AM

Gosh. I'm excited. Saturday's going to be a blast because I'm going to the F1 with family! My parents are taking the grandstand, my brother's taking the padang, and my cousin and I will be taking the walk-about tickets. I'm bringing Keeping along because he doesn't need a ticket!

I'm not exactly sober; just woke up an hour ago. I realized that I've taking a liking to afternoon naps, but they don't seem to do any good because I feel more tired after I have them :/ WHY. rahhh.

Joan and Joshua have planned the zoo outing for next week! I think! So that means I have a guilt-free weekend pass to go to the F1, and maybe steamboat at Wenying's the day after, though that depends on whether I have enough time to sleep since the F1 thingy ends at 1a.m. or something.

VERY HAPPY now and its 10.09p.m. :)

But my mood has fallen just when it's up. Cos' I realize that I have to do 3 literature essays and 1 GP essay by today. GRRR.

penned with poisoned ink...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:17 AM

More pictures!

Darren Heath and the rest of us helpers!

Everyone loves Keeping! From left : God uncle, me, Keeping, Godmother, God aunt :)

Kathy and I are models PLEASE. Just look at us. Au Naturel~

Huilong and I at the steamboat corner! We ate till 1 in the morning I think. The food was DAMN SPICY over at the dark side where they had the mala soup base and I ate 2 pieces of tissues to try and curb the sting. Gary thought I was mad. But whatever, he was furiously sweating after eating one STALK of vegetables. :/ I shall go sleep now. Have lit to finish tomorrow. :(

P.S. : GRACE IS SICK. She needs to get well soon. :)
P.P.S. : I love my new earphones. MUAHAHA

penned with poisoned ink...

6:56 AM

Good Evening! I'm having dinner whilst looking through the many pictures we took during yesterday's event. I think some of the pictures were MARRED by my expression and others, my pimple =( Whatever. Luckily I took most of them in the dark. Everyone looked gorgeous yesterday, and Keeping had classy hair for once. Today, it's Mohawk style, punk-boy rock. Keeping's big now, busy chasing skirts!

Anyway, here's some pictures we took :

When we first reached the place!

Nice view of the penthouse!

The urinals. Classy if you saw the toilet in the penthouse for yourself :)

This happened when Bryan finally convinced us we can try to be models. From the pictures, I think I should try and convince him otherwise.

HUIQUN beside me. LOL look at her smile. Tell her not to smile already STILL smile. But she was dressed to kill. Like a power lady huh?

Here's me and HAWT Bryan.

Keeping loves fast cars! I'm taking him to the F1 this saturday :D But it means I can't go to the zoo with dearest Joan for her birthday :( So I'll have to postpone our little outing to Sunday!

Haha, that's all for pictures on this post. Shall post more later. And speaking of the event, it was glam glam to the max! What with caviar on eggs and quiche free for taking. I think it was a success on the whole! Anyway, I think some people gotta keep their opinions to themselves especially when they don't know what others will think of them when they express them. Screw your honky-tonk ,if you even get a girlfriend she'd look like the corpse bride's great-granddad. "IT" will shock you.

Anyway, Bryan's determined to get a penthouse apartment in UK, and when he does, I shall jet over every other weekend to sunbathe on his roof if it has the view that we got yesterday! Ms. Holsington still looks as hot a lady as when she left us :P

penned with poisoned ink...

Monday, September 22, 2008 8:09 AM

I have an hour before I'm suppose to be ready for tonight. So blog away.

Sorry Hui Long! For losing my internet connection a million times yesterday night, which of course resulted in you being angry and me, being pissed. I gotta admit, there was not a single time I didn't look at the connection icon and screamed **** when I was forced out of msn. THANKS AZTECH HOMEPLUG TURBO for not delivering what you promised on your packaging. I didn't even friggin' said hi to Keeping's dearest. Argh. Whatever. As a result, I can't post pictures of my dearest son, Keeping, because Hui Long couldn't send them to me in time before they crashed. I got like one or two though. You could go to Fat Face Bryan's blog though, he has three. What a caring God Uncle.

Link is : www.fatface.blogspot.com

Oh, talking about yesterday, I was on the train with Grace in the morning when Grace commented on this guy sitting in front of us. He's in what, primary school or something? Super short. And he was DOZING off on the train. "OMG HOW CUTE RIGHT!" went Grace. I rolled my eyes. Clearly she didn't sympathise with the woman beside the small boy. She was trying hard to do what the boy was doing : Sleep. But guess what? She could not. The boy who was sleeping was busy nodding off in one direction, slapping her forearm with his head, before reverting back to an upright position, and repeating the motion. Talk about muscle memory, he was as good as hammering the sides of the woman 10 friggin' times a minute. At least swing both ways and you'd only hit her 5 times! And God, Grace found him cute.

I didn't have a good day yesterday! :( I went to the canteen to buy fruits with Grace, and saw Ping Kee with his friend in the canteen. After standing there like an idiot whilst Grace was watching him perform a card trick, we went off, and Grace said bye while I waved my hand like a spastic. But he didn't see my hand lol. So he didn't say bye. And we didn't get back 3 papers as Gary predicted. Only GP. Guess my efforts paid off because I finally got an A this year. Talk about deja vu, I did education for Promos last year too, and got exactly the same score for essay.

So finished with blogging and here's a picture of my baby dearest on the way home from school. I know he's a potential scholar. Look at him! Bright and cheery even after one long, tiring day at school with all the losers and their loser scents pipping over him.

Shall blog about Keeping's God aunt later when I get home! Cya later, alligators.

penned with poisoned ink...

Sunday, September 21, 2008 6:04 AM

Ms. Goh's baby is super cute. Even her sleeping posture spells rock chick in the making. Anyway, I know, it's almost cliche to speak of our little outing on Friday, which Terk Ming didn't turn up for because he's busy being sick. But I have nothing else to blog about and the most important person on my contact list is offline so I'm forced to do something, so here's an entry about our outing~

We went to Food Junction to eat, and idled around Lot 1 at Choa Chu Kang whilst waiting for Kathy to apply her inch-thick foundation at home. Read a really interesting book by Grisham and was tempted to clear my $6 fine in order to borrow it. Thank God I didn't. In the grand scheme of things, not doing so allowed me to use my money more wisely later on.

After walking through an entire estate, with Kathy strutting her way there and us as her entourage, we finally found Ms. Goh's house. Ms. Goh loves our presents!! I think... Kathy made sushi for everyone, and by any measure, it tasted good. Ms Goh went to take the baby out after awhile and Kathy didn't hesitate to wrestle the baby away. After much cajoling and several dangerous stunts, Kathy finally returned Ms. Goh's baby girl to her, and everyone, including the baby, was relieved.

We left around 2 hours later and I met with Alan to eat at NYNY, to use up the 1 for 1 main course voucher, since it was 3 days from expiring. Ordered Pink Inc. and it was pretty. HAH. But it was nevertheless awfully undeserving of the price. As usual, Alan talked about his pathetic academic life in PJC where he tried to top the class but failed miserably. In addition, Alan and his class are crazily attempting to build muscle mass. In fact, I think half of Pioneer's mad, since most of the PJ guys I know are taking protein powder to try and build muscles. Alan even has a bottle of the powder everywhere he goes. "for convenience' sake", he says.

Talk about upping the ante. HELLO!? Someone spell "Wake Up!" for these guys. We should NEVER introduce foreign material into our body like that. Unless its food, or if its purpose is for a higher calling, but that does not include body-building. Only sex. :) Anyway, the protein powder doesn't seem to help him much since he's pretty much muscles already. Oh, wait. Maybe it does work. That's why he's pretty much muscles already. Whatever, I can't flex my brain over such regressive questions for nuts. Shall wait for Hui Long to come back and fix something on my blog for me. Since Terk Ming did the specimen paper, I SHALL TOO, to prove to him I'm not a slacker.

P.S. : Joan jabbed Keeping's face with her stupid eraser at the library yesterday and now his face is soiled :( In return, I jabbed her with a penknife and left her by the drain and now the drain is soiled.

penned with poisoned ink...



Cherished Loves

songs. poems.friends.

Contacts & Stats

leong_yiyao@hotmail.com (i have msn =X)

love is a force of nature.



Hui Long
Ping Kee


September 2008

Listening to...

keepings lullaby Designer:Emira/PurpleKiddy
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